Friday 31 December 2010

End of a Century

This is it, the one you've all really been waiting for due to my sudden inability to update blog posts and in general piss everyone off with my odd rantings. The final blog... I suppose it's fitting that the title should be a Blur song, being my favourite band (apart from possibly Gorillaz...same singer though innit?) It sure as hell feels like a century. For my one fan out there, don't stress. It's over now because it feels right. I have no energy, motivation or ideas any more and this last blog will make it practically the one year anniversary of my first post. Despite always claiming that I would avoid personal stuff, I thought this last blog should be about the highlights of the year, the good, the bad and the downright ugly. Right Clint? 

Friday 24 December 2010

Lonely this Christmas

I don't mean to the ruin the festive cheer, o fuck it, I will anyway. 

Friday 17 December 2010

Keep the Customer Satisfied

You love shopping don't you? Of course you do. You sicken me. 

Friday 10 December 2010

I Predict a Riot

YOU! Yes you, you disgust me! 

Friday 3 December 2010

I Want to Break Free

You've stuck with me this long? Fifty posts. You lunatics. I will be kind though, you are a responsible bunch of people. This means you might think what I'm about to complain about is ludicrous, but it's true none the less. I want to thank those who have read me spilling out bile each week (except when I've been slow to update). I apologise for that by the way, but work is sometimes long and I can't be bothered to think seriously about what I want to write because I'm too tired. Ah well, here I am now...writing for the fiftieth time. Where do I get my ideas? Well, apart from Charlie Brooker, I'm also a genius so it's not hard ;) The writing may not always be amazing, but I'm always right so shush. 

So, responsibility. We know what we mean when we say that word but we sometimes seem to forget what our individual responsibilities are. The reason this has come to my attention was because I was thinking about this generation and culture changes as a whole. What causes generations to change their ways? I mean, the music is different, the clothes, the hairstyles, the politics. I've come up with a theory. 

I reckon it's because people try so hard to be different to their own parents. I mean, it's typically what's seen as the beacon of 'uncool' right? I love my parents, so very much and I actually share a lot of their views, but most people don't. Does your father listen to Lady Gaga and does your mother use face book and post status' about X-Factor each week? I'm guessing not. Not that there's anything wrong if they do. (Except the second, that's bad enough if you do it,  you boring fuck.) Yes, there's nothing wrong with it, but chances are they don't. You want to be different. You want to break free, in the immortal words of Queen.

However, by changing things, people of your age inevitably fall into the same fashion. We all want to be different from our parents but the same as each other so we don't feel...exiled from our peers. It's an odd state of affairs. So yes, as I said, I'm quite like my parents in their views so I am not quite part of this generation. But I observe it. I can see we have become far more obsessed with money, fame and gossip than almost anything else. This angers, scares and disgusts me, all at once. This generation, our generation can only go two ways and the second is not very likely. We can either become more obsessed with material possessions and become more selfish and ignorant or we can do a U turn and become more accepting of our multi-cultural society.

Before I begin ranting. 

Friday 26 November 2010

When I'm 64

I am now old. I hope you wished me a Happy Birthday, if not do it now! It's not too late. I'm currently on 102 birthday wall posts, that's how bloody loved I am, or that's how many of my friends can read... I do apologise if my recent blogs haven't always been fully updated. I've been very busy at work and so I haven't had time to dedicate to typing something great because of how tired I've been. Get over it though you dick, I don't do anything for a shit like you.

So yes! Yesterday was my birthday, I had an enjoyable day, despite the terrible day at work. I got a lot of great gifts, and today was pay day so it was all gravy. Thanks to a few special people my evening was wonderful and the evening before had also been quite fantastic! I will be telling you about my evening and then my woes of getting older, as if you care! 

So yes, I saw the musings and hilarity of Greg Davies on Wednesday evening. 

Friday 19 November 2010

Losing My Religion

Hello you moral people. I bet you love preaching your ethics. "I don't eat meat" "I practice safe sex" "I give money to the RSPB" Blah, blah, blah! Well most people seem to believe that you need to subscribe to a religion to be moral. The amount of times I've heard "Atheists are immoral!" It's such a stupid argument. I am (kind of) an atheist. I am more moral than most fundamental religious people. The thing with ethics and morality is that it's all cultural. A few classic examples...

A homosexual man can get a civil partnership here, but in the 'great' nation of Qatar, homosexuality is illegal because the country rules by religion and the Qur'an condemns homosexuality. 

I can kill myself in Switzerland but in the United Kingdom ending my own life is considered wrong and is therefore illegal here.   

I can eat meat, as much as I want here without too many people judging me, but Buddhists would look at me in disgust. Well, not really but they certainly wouldn't approve.

The point being morality is what we call subjective. Do you remember what that word means? It means it is not universally true. X-Factor is utter shit. That is objective meaning it's a fact ;) Just like 2+2 = 4. However, morality is, in a way, a matter of opinion. I will concede that there is the odd moral law that everyone abides by... as far as I'm aware, murder has always been considered immoral. Obviously circumstances surrounding taking someone's life have changed between culture and era. I.e. if I murdered the man who raped someone I was close to, some cultures would say that was acceptable. 

But this subjectivity holds true for the most part. Which is precisely why I am so against religion! Religious doctrine is written at a time when certain things are moral and certain things are considered wrong. However, give it ten years or so and things change. People naturally change their ideas and beliefs. So how the hell can we adhere to such strict ethics? 

Now don't get me wrong, certain religions aren't immoral or wrong per say and if it makes you happy to believe in a higher power that created all life, then that's fine. But don't suggest to me that your so much more moral than I. I don't need a book to tell me how to live my life pal. Anyway, don't think your so smart, we're sheep...what we consider moral is what we've been told. If I should steal, my mother will tell me it is wrong. It is wrong in this society and this life. Who knows, somewhere down the line it may be moral? It's an extreme example, but how can we know?

That's the whole point. Morality is constantly changing and shifting. It's as diverse as the nation we live in. I think living my life the best I can is good enough for any possible divine being. I want to support gay rights and say that the war in Iraq wasn't necessarily a bad idea (despite it being a bloody mess) and I want to argue that women should have the right to an abortion. If that makes me a bad person in your eyes, then so be it. Many religions are wrong in my eyes but it doesn't make them wrong. That's the thin line of morality. We have to be understanding. Some more examples...

Why are Jehova's Witnesses against blood transfusions? They believe their blood is clean and not dirty. This belief leads to many dying because they can't have the transfusion but in their eyes, the person is saved by having good blood. Yet they've let somebody die! Surely this is immoral? 

Or the Westboro Baptist Church who believe 'fags' should burn in hell. Should they? I don't think so. That's there interpretation of the Bible and a very horrible one too! After all, homosexuality is just how some people are, we should love them just the same. Also, if they're taking the Bible so literally they should be against literally a million things but they're not because most people like to cherry pick to suit themselves. They like to consider themselves moral by acting how they want. Doesn't really work does it? 

We can judge people all we want and we can try and argue that our corner of morality is correct but at the end of it all, people act the way they were raised. People's morality is mostly defined by background and social upbringing. If I was raised in the forties and you had sex before getting married, I'd be disgusted. If you did it and I was raised in the nineties (which I was) I wouldn't care...people do it all the time.

Next time you think about questioning someone's ethics, just try understanding why they have them and only question them if you have good reason to. Unless it's something ridiculous which is one of the objective moral codes, i.e. don't murder or rape or steal then perhaps you should just let them get on with their own damn lives.

Now go away.